Cited Publications:
2022, Art of Nature Collection calendar: Robert Bateman Collection, Month of June ‘Surrender’, published by Delafield Calendar Projects, Ontario, Canada.
2021, Art of Nature Collection calendar: Robert Bateman Collection, Month of July ‘Truth’, published by Delafield Calendar Projects, Ontario, Canada.
2019, Artists for Conservation, 2019, International Exhibit of Nature in Art, Pg. 155.
2019, Journey to the Sea Turtle, Published book by Carleen Ross.
2018, Sherwood Park News by Ben Proulx, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada: Let locals shine, January 9, 2018, Pg.8.
2017, The Honu Whisperer, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: An Artist’s Inspiration by Carleen Ross, Winter 2017, Pg. 5,6.
2017, Arrow Lakes News by Andrea Myhal, Nakusp, British Columbia, Canada: Animal watercolours to brighten Studio Connexion, August 10, 2017, Pg. A6.
2017, The Valley Voice by Art Joyce, Naskusp, British Columbia, Canada: International artist Carleen Ross exhibits at Studio Connexion, July 27, 2017, Pg. 20.
2017, Sherwood Park News by Ben Proulx, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada: Display in Italy for Canada, April 7, 2017, Pg. 32.
2017, Sherwood Park News by Ben Proulx, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada: Painting with RCMP pride, March 10, 2017, Pg. 29.
2017, 620 CKRM, The Source: Regina artist honours RCMP with Canada 150, Posted March 11, 2017 12:49pm.
2017, Leader Post Regina, by Heather Polischuk, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: Regina-born artist illustrates Mountie career, March 5, pg. A3.
2017, CBC News Saskatchewan, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada: Regina-born artist honours RCMP through bison paintings: ‘From Sea to Sea’ featured at RCMP Heritage Centre as part of Canada 150 celebrations, Posted: Mar 03, 2017 3:22 PM CT.
2016, Imago Mundi, Luciano Benetton Collection - Oh Canada West: Contemporary Artists from Western Canada, Pg 368, 369.
Awards & Recognitions:
2022, Honourable Mention in the FCA Edmonton Spring Show with Federation of Canadian Artists.
2019, September’s feature artist for artwork and conservation efforts with the international group, Artist for Conservation, Ontario, Canada.
2018, ‘Elk’ was the feature advertised painting for the Strathcona County Salon Series Gallery@501, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.2015 - People’s Choice Award for “Inner Reflection”, a painting featuring a green sea turtle, Strathcona County Salon Series Gallery@501, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada.
2015, Second Place for “ Becoming One”, a painting featuring a green sea turtle, at the People’s Choice Award with the Society of Western Canadian Artists, June, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
2015, People’s Choice Award for “Inner Reflection”, Strathcona County Salon Series Gallery@501.

The Mountie Experience Through An Artist's Eyes
Regina-born artist honours RCMP through bison paintings
Media Links
International artist Carleen Ross Exhibits at Studio Connexion
Imago Mundi: Oh West Canada!
Feature Artist for the Artist for Conservation