I am a Artist, an Educator, and a Coach
I bring All That I AM into everything that I do.
What is Coaching?
"Coaching is the art of facilitating another person's learning, development, well-being and performance. Coaching raises self-awareness and identifies choices. The whole aim of coaching is to close the gap between people's potential and their current state." (Jenny Rogers, 2016)
In essence it is a conversation with purpose where the coach asks meaningful questions.​
What is Coaching
Coaching Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour, cognitive and emotion awareness which helps to enhance well-being and personal performance. Coaching Psychology uses evidence based models grounded in established adult learning and psychological approaches to facilitate the coaching session.
What is Positive
Psychology Coaching?
Positive Psychology Coaching looks to support the client in raising their levels of wellbeing, allowing them to create positive changes in whatever aspect they choose (life, career, relationships, self-esteem, health, among others).
It does this by working through scientific evidence based approaches and methods.
"Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them to become what they are capable of being."
~ Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe
How I work as a Coach:
I am able to support clients with various concerns which they would like to improve and understand better. Many of the clients that I work with are ones that experience the world as a Neurodivergent person or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP).
I work through Biopsychosocial, Coaching Psychology and Positive Psychology approaches. This means that during our sessions together we will consider all aspects of the person's life to help them raise their wellbeing and learn more about themself.
The coaching styles that I regularly work through are:
Narrative Coaching
Somatic Coaching
Gestalt Coaching
Solution Focused Coaching
ACT Coaching methods
To learn more about HSPs & Neurodivergent Persons click here.
This is accomplished by:
Developing new skills to move the individual forward.
Identifying what is important and brings value into the individuals life.
Bringing attention to the innate character strengths the individual has access to.
Showing the individual ways to live with a higher sense of well-being.
Who this is not for:
Those that are searching for therapy and reconciliation of the past.
Those that want to learn how to parent themselves.
Those that do not want to change anything about themselves.
Those feel they do not need to grow to become better.